Sl. No. |
Name of the Departments |
Commenced from |
1 |
2013 |
2 |
2013 |
3 |
2013 |
4 |
2013 |
5 |
2023 |
NB: All departments will run under HOD/Senior Lecturer of Concern department
Role and responsibility of departmental HOD / Senior Lecture
Administrative work of the Department/ Division / Section entrusted by Principal as head/ overall in charge.
Teaching in Practical / Theory subjects as assigned by the Principal and remedial classes for poor- performing students.
Maintain Attendance Registers of the students, Lesson Plans, Assessment Registers and progress Register/Reports etc.
Supervision/Verification of Attendance Registers of the students, , Lesson Plans, Assessment Registers and progress Register/Reports etc prepared by other Faculties of the department/Course as assigned by Principal.
Duties connected with the conduct of Admission, Examination, Evaluation of Examination of the students.
Conducting Awareness Programmes on Career opportunities in Technical Education in the state.
Conducting Seminars, webinars and various academic workshops etc., relating to the Department.
Develop Learning materials/Resource materials for Theory and Laboratory classes.
R&D work on Industrial problems and Projects and other work for the promotion of Industry Institute Partnership.
Perform training and consultancy work for Internal Revenue Generation.
Publication of Technical papers in Journals.
Preparation and submission of Project Proposal for funding to the Institute from External Sources and other resource mobilization for the Institute.
Participating in refresher courses for updation of knowledge and skill.
Guiding students for Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Hackathon etc.
Dissemination of information for students development and community development.
Accompanying students in study Visit/Industrial training of the students.
Remain in charge of additional responsibility of the institution such as Library/Hostel/Examination etc and extracurricular activities such as Games and sports, Cultural Association, Eco Club, Idea lab etc.
Conduct Employment generating/ Skill development Training Programme for unemployed youth wherever assigned.
Perform students counseling and act as proctor of students.
Perform different Placement related activities.
Prepare and maintain the different Reports and Returns and also MIS of various kinds in the Institution as assigned.
Perform such work related to maintenance and upkeep of Equipment, Laboratories, Buildings and other institution properties.
Perform duties connected to supervision/inspection of different works at other institution wherever assigned.
Public relation for institutional development and community development.
Convening parent-Teacher meetings and also interact with students for their well being.
Organizing and Co-ordinating different Consultancy work for IRG and work on different industrial and socially relevant projects.
Development and Management of Institutional Infrastructure / Facilities.
Perform duties assigned by SCTE&VT, Odisha, Bhubaneswar/ DTE&T, Odisha, Cuttack and SD&TE Department.
Perform any other work in the interest of the institution/public duty as assigned by the Principal.